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Janeria Easley
Assistant Professor (African American Studies) and Graduate Faculty of Emory Sociology

Andra Gillespie
Associate Professor (Political Science) and Graduate Faculty of Emory Sociology
Tarbutton Hall 217E

Rachel Hall-Clifford
Associate Professor of Human Health and Sociology
Tarbutton Hall 103

Karen Hegtvedt
Professor and Department Chair
Tarbutton Hall 227

Ellen L. Idler
Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Sociology
Tarbutton Hall 209

Jeff Mullis
Associate Teaching Professor
Tarbutton Hall 216

Chikako Ozawa-de Silva
Professor (REALC) and Graduate Faculty in Emory Sociology
Modern Languages Building

Molly Perkins
Associate Professor (School of Medicine) and Graduate Faculty of Emory Sociology
Wesley Woods Health Center

Tracy L. Scott
Associate Teaching Professor
Tarbutton Hall 230

Alyasah A. Sewell
Associate Professor & Winship Distinguished Research Professor
Tarbutton Hall 204

Jessica Stewart
Assistant Professor (African American Studies) and Graduate Faculty of Emory Sociology

Kathryn Yount
Professor and Asa Griggs Candler Chair of Global Health
CNR Building 7029